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Lectors and Commentators

Two readers and one commentator are needed for each Mass, during the Liturgy of the Word. Training is provided and scheduling is done at least a month in advance.  Commitment is 1-2 times per month, as scheduled.



Father Silvio




Lectores y Comentaristas


Se necesitan dos lectores y un comentarista para cada Misa, durante la Liturgia de la Palabra. Se brinda formación y la programación se realiza con al menos un mes de anticipación. El compromiso es 1-2 veces por mes, según lo previsto.



Kenia Aguilar



Altar Servers

Training is required. Children must have received their First Communion and be in the 4th grade to participate.  Altar Servers are needed at weekend Masses, weddings and funerals.  Scheduling is done in advance, with a monthly commitment



Rabia Lieber






Se requiere formación. Los niños deben haber recibido su primera comunión y estar en 4to grado para participar. Se necesitan monaguillos en las misas de fin de semana, bodas y funerales. La programación se realiza con antelación, con un compromiso mensual.



Heidy Garcia




Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Ministers who serve by distributing the body & blood of Christ during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, at Mass. Training is provided periodically and commitment is 1-2 times per month, as scheduled.



Father Silvio




Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía


Ministros que sirven distribuyendo el cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo durante la Liturgia de la Eucaristía, en la Misa. La capacitación se brinda periódicamente y el compromiso es 1 o 2 veces por mes, según lo programado.



Yesenia Jimenez




These ministers are the silent security during the Mass. They welcome and seat people, take collections and hand out bulletins. Commitment is monthly, as scheduled.



Brett Sinclair






Estos ministros son la seguridad silenciosa durante la Misa. Dan la bienvenida y acomodan a las personas en los bancos, hacen colectas y reparten boletines. El compromiso es mensual, según lo previsto.



Gerardo Benítez

Celia Granados

(despues de las Misas en español)



Altar Guild

This ministry is responsible for the cleaning & ironing of all liturgical linens as well as vestments used for mass. Volunteers are needed on a rotating weekly basis.



Liz McDavid


Liturgical Arts & Environment

This committee prepares the worship space for various liturgical seasons. The committee meets before feast days and major church seasons. People are needed at all levels of talent and creativity. 



Warren Little

540-434-4341 (Ext. 115)

Music Ministry

Share the gift of your love of music and passion for the Lord. All choir members practice together on Wednesdays at 6:30pm, in preparation for the following Sunday’s Masses.



Janet Edmondson

 540-434-4341 (Ext. 111)

Ministers to the Home-bound and Shut-ins

Lay ministers who visit and bring Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. Volunteers are paired with another extraordinary minister of the Eucharist for training until they feel comfortable ministering on their own. This ministry visits private homes, nursing homes, hospitals and other institutions. Schedule is flexible as these ministers can plan/coordinate a time agreeable to both for visitation.



Elizabeth Fierro


10am Nursery

During the 10am Mass on Sundays, the Parish nursery is available throughout the year for children from the ages of one to three years old. Which means we are also open for recruitment of any/new adult and teenage volunteers! As always, VIRTUS is required.



Mary Kahwajy-Baron 

540-434-4341 (Ext. 104)


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