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Confirmation Info

BIG Confirmation Updates!

Happy New Year! I pray that in 2024 we may live more holy, healthy, and happy lives. 

As we start this new calendar year, Confirmation Mass is quickly coming upon us. I wanted to take time to share important dates and reminders as we journey closer to celebrating this Sacrament. There is a lot of really important information here, so please take the time to read it carefully. 

Click Here to Sign-Up for a Confirmation Interview

Dates & Deadlines


$40 Confirmation Preparation Fee - OVERDUE

A quick reminder that if you have not yet paid the Confirmation Fee for the books, and retreat to please do so. I will reaching out next week to those who have not paid. These funds go towards paying for the curriculum and the costs of the retreats and events. If money is an issue, please let me know. 


Baptismal Certificates -  OVERDUE

It is absolutely neccessary that you turn in a copy of your baptismal records as soon as possible. This is a canonical requirement. If the Church cannot verify your baptism, you cannot receive confirmation. Please send a copy in via email to or turn it in in-person at the office. If you have not sent in a baptismal certificate, expect to hear from me in person next week. 


Sponsor Forms - OVERDUE

Please send your sponsor forms to the Church as soon as possible. If your sponsor is someone out of town, make sure that their pastor signs the form, and advocates that they are a practicing Catholic. Sponsor forms need to be turned in as soon as possible but no later than January 31st.


Letter for Fr. Silvio - Now Due 1/14 (Or sooner)

Since Confirmation is a little earlier than we initially expected, we need your letter to Father Silvio explaining why you want to be confirmed a little earlier. Fr. Silvio will begin conducting Confirmation interviews next week, so that we have time. He needs your letter before you interview with him.  This letter does not have to be very long; a paragraph or two would suffice. Your letter should state your name, your desire to be confirmed, and why you want to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please turn this letter into office, or send it to


Make-Up Confirmation Retreat - 2/3

For those who could not attend the Confirmation Retreat in the fall, or for anyone who wants to another spiritual experience before confirmation, we will host another retreat on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024 from 10am-3pm. The theme of this retreat will be Walking with the Saints. A retreat is a diocesean requirement to get ready for Confirmation. More information on this will be forthcoming.


Pick a Confirmation Saint - Deadline 2/4

If you have not yet, please research a patron saint to take for Confirmation. Consider saints who share similar interests or ideals. When you have decided on a saint, please send me an email @  


Service Hours- Now Due 2/11

There is a lot going on in January, so to ease the burden, I am pushing back to the service hour deadline to Febraury 10th. Adoration on Wednesday evenings will continue to count towards service hour requirements throughout January and February. I will send an update on other service opportunities next week. 


Confirmation Mass- 2/23/2024

Confirmation Mass will be held here at Blessed Sacrament on February 23rd, 2024 at 7:00pm. All Confirmandi and Sponsors must be at the Church ready to go by 6:30pm. If you cannot attend this Mass, please let me know immediately!



Confirmation Interviews

When? - Confirmation interviews will begin next week and go through the February 2nd, 2024. These interviews will be approximately 20-30 minutes long between 4pm and 8pm on weekdays. 


Why? - In order to be confirmed, Canon Law requires the consent of the pastor, the parent, and the confirmand. These interviews are a time to talk about the confirmand's intentions, and a chance for them to declare and testify to their desire to be confirmed.


Where? - All interviews will be conducted in the Church office. 


Who? -  The confirmand, a parent, and Fr. Silvio will all need to be present. Please schedule a time using the sign-up link below that works for both the student and the parent.


What to expect? - Come 5 minutes early to your time slot and come prepared. Bring your letter to Fr. Silvio (or ask Austin to print it for you), so that you can read your intent to be confirmed. Also, be sure that you can name the 7 Sacraments, the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the 12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the 10 Commandments. Father Silvio will ask you to recite these things to show that you have knowledge of the faith and a commitment to being confirmed. This is less so a test, and more of a conversation. Be honest and true.  At the end of the interview, Father will decide whether you are ready for Confirmation, you need to come back for a second interview, or you may need more time before you make this important choice. 


Please click the link below to sign-up for a time slot that works for both the confirmand and a parent. 


Click Here to Sign-Up for a Confirmation Interview

¿Estás listo para la confirmación?


¡Bienvenido al proceso de confirmación en el Santísimo Sacramento! ¡Estamos emocionados de que te unas a nosotros! El proceso de confirmación comienza para los adolescentes en el décimo grado y es un proceso de todo el año. Mucha gente tiene preguntas sobre la Confirmación, y parte de esto se debe a la falta de comprensión de lo que es el Sacramento de la Confirmación. Hay tres conceptos erróneos típicos sobre la Confirmación: convertirse en un adulto, elegir ser católico o graduarse de la educación religiosa.

  • Concepto erróneo n. ° 1: Te conviertes en un adulto en la Iglesia con el Sacramento de la Confirmación. El sacramento solía celebrarse al nacer y ahora varía en cuanto a la edad cuando se confirma a alguien. Marca un signo de madurez espiritual, pero no ser un "adulto" a los ojos de la Iglesia.

  • Concepto erróneo # 2: El Sacramento de la Confirmación se trata de "elegir ser católico" al "confirmar" su fe. El Sacramento de la Confirmación se trata de fortalecer y completar la gracia dada en el Bautismo. Si bien debes discernir si estás listo para este sacramento, no estás "eligiendo" ser católico o hacer tuya tu fe. Tu bautismo te hizo católico para siempre. El Señor nos da libre albedrío todos los días para "elegir" si vamos a ser católicos o no.

  • Concepto erróneo n. ° 3: Te gradúas de la educación religiosa una vez que estás confirmado y ahora puedes elegir lo que es correcto para ti en tu fe La confirmación es un sacramento de iniciación. Nuestra fe es un viaje de toda la vida. Siempre podemos experimentar una conversión más profunda, y Jesús nos llama continuamente a una relación más profunda con Él.

Entonces, ¿qué es la confirmación?

  • Es transformador: este es el último de los sacramentos de iniciación. Este sacramento deja una marca indeleble, lo que significa que es inamovible. Estás marcando tu alma por la eternidad. Estás activando la gracia que recibiste en tu bautismo y te estás convirtiendo en la persona que Cristo te creó para ser.

  • Es entrenamiento misionero: al ser confirmado, está asumiendo la misión de la Iglesia Católica como propia: “ir y hacer discípulos a todas las naciones” - Mateo 28:20

  • Cambia la vida: este proceso tiene el poder de cambiar tu vida. Muchos adolescentes han comenzado el proceso de confirmación sin saber si querían ser confirmados o incluso si querían seguir siendo católicos después de ser confirmados. Muchos terminaron enamorándose más profundamente del Señor a pesar de sus reservas iniciales.

¡Por favor, sepa que todo el equipo CORE está aquí para ayudarlo! ¡Estamos aquí para servirle a usted y a su familia!

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